Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does Mega Plump Lip gloss actually plump your lips?

That stuff you can get at Wal*Mart, it's peppermint flavored, shaped in a vase-like container. If you use it over time, does it help?Does Mega Plump Lip gloss actually plump your lips?
Most lip plumpers do not work. The peppermint in it is meant to irritate your lips so they swell a little bit, but if you are willing to use it ALL the time, i wouldn't bother wasting your money on it.Does Mega Plump Lip gloss actually plump your lips?
be careful of the cheap lip plumping glosses, they burn your lips when you put it on.
I havent used it but personally, from someone who has tried a few brands, the cheaper ones do not work.

I have tried City Lips that you can get a Shoppers Drug Mart, and it is about 50$ and it works! So if you are serious about some results...I would get that stuff, I have it!
to tell you the truth i doubt if any plumper works try bitting or sucking on your lip to make them bigger or add a clearish color lip gloss
It will work for about 5 minuets and then you will go flat again, Don't trow your money to the garbage
hmmm, it works for a few hours, but your lips wont actually stay plumed forever if you use it alot, it'll just be plump for the time being...the pepppermint flavored is the ';plump'; that tingly burning sensation is the ';plump'; filling into the lines of your lips to give it a ';plumpier'; affect.

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